chicago math group

Leaders, you want the best for students and teachers.

You became a leader to ensure ALL STUDENTS get the
best possible education & teachers feel supported in a
thriving school community.

But daily you're worried about...

It's hard to balance the day-to-day pressures & ensure the best possible future for students.​

math class

the bad news is...

math is hurting

We’ve created a culture of math that:  

  • has kids thinking they’re bad at math for no reason 
  • teaches tricks and steps, instead of thinking
  • arms teachers with Common Core aligned curriculum with no instructional support.
  • although society relies on math more than ever with technology in every part of our lives, we aren’t preparing our students to be math people.

We have to do something NOW

math class

students aren't prepared for their future jobs in technology

girls in math

our girls don't think they're good at math leading them to believe there's a whole set of careers they can't pursue

math teacher

teachers are disempowered, frustrated, & leaving the profession due to sinking test scores despite their best efforts

math homework

parents don't know how to help their kids and it's creating tension in their home

❌ Students are struggling

❌ Test scores are dropping

❌ Teachers are leaving the classroom.

Educators are frustrated and overwhelmed.

We can do better.

This classroom-tested and proven methodology will help teachers, parents, and students feel supported in math

Empowering every leaner, teacher, and parent to do real math.

If you're ready to...

shift the culture of math in your school

increase math achievement

empower the next generation of kids

mona iehl

About ten years ago I was a mid-career elementary teacher with a passion for engaging, integrated curriculum. However, that integration and engagement never involved math. I blindly followed along lesson by lesson with my curriculum. The truth was I put no effort into my math teaching because I didn’t consider myself a “math person”. I had no idea math could be taught any other way than how I was taught. I could see my students were developing a negative math identity. They didn’t see the connections between math and their lives and their future. Math needed the engaging & integrated curriculum I taught in the rest of my day. 

After studying decades of research that support teaching math a different way– a more engaging, creative, and inspiring way, that I was empowered to teach math differently. 

I’ve spend the last decade developing and testing the 
✨Empowered Math Method✨
in my own classroom and schools of those I coach.  

Over the years, as teachers we’ve felt overwhelmed and complacent in our math teaching. But we can’t wait anymore. . The state of our test scores, and the increasing number of teachers feeling unsupported while watching their students leave their class feeling the same way we did, is the reason we must empower our math community to be the mathematicians our world needs.

This is the work that will change the world. Are you with me? 
