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120: Can't afford a math coach?

On Today’s Episode Can’t Afford a Math Coach? Do this…

  • Setting our own goals as a teacher
  • My favorite resources and PD for teaching math
  • What to do if you don’t have the funding to pay for PD

I am a firm believer in two things.

#1- teachers are life long learners and our education system should invest in their learning and development throughout their career. Just as other professions (doctors for example) are given stipends for continuing education, teachers should too. It should be part of the on the job training to be a part of professional networks, conferences, coaching structures, and professional development workshops that help teachers develop and grow their skills as well as their knowledge.

I also believe…

#2- Teachers should work on THEIR OWN GOALS. As a math coach I take this very seriously because there is NO point in having someone work on their math instruction if they have no interest. I know that may go against what most schools do. Because in most schools there is an initiative and everyone is usppose to work on it. If the school gets a new curriculum, then it is supported with PD that everyone attends. 

My Journey from a Math Avoider to a Math Coach…

My journey from math avoider to math coach is that I had a opportunity to work a math coach. However, it started out with a relationship and then a choice on my behalf to take on some new goals along side the math coach. That’s the thing about “coaching” it only works if the person being coached wants it. I guess it’s kinda like being forced into therapy… it’s likely not going to work if you don’t want to be there or aren’t investing anything into it.

However, if you’re here listening to this podcast you ARE looking to improve your math instruction. You’re looking for new ideas, inspiration, you’re on a learning journey! I love that for you. So, you might be in search of math coach because your school doesn’t offer opportunities for you to engage in a professional community of learning. I’ve gotten a number of emails asking me about summer learning opportunities. Which is amazing to me that you want to devote time on your “off season” to getting better. You are truly amazing. However, if you’re listening to this and NOT into summer learning… you’re also amazing. I thin we all go through seasons where sometimes it’s right and other times it’s just not right.

Currently, I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy with my 3rd babe and I am NOT into summer learning opportunities. However, I worked my TAIL off this spring preparing for those of you that do want some summer learning opps.

120: Can't afford a math coach? Quote

So, here’s what I’ve got for you:

  • Engaging Math Discussions a Blueprint for Facilitation – This is a brand new course all about leveling up your math facilitation. If you’ve taken WPW this is the next level. If you were in the cohort this spring, you’ve already gotten much of this content! On sale for $77 ($20 off) for June 18th- June 25th
  • Word Problem Workshop- speaking of. This is my signature move as a math teacher. Based on the wise research of many of the math greats– CGI, 5 Practices for Orchestrating Math discussions this is a REAL teacher approach to engaging students in student centered math that builds their conceptual understanding while also helping them be empowered as mathematicians.
  • Math Coach Huddle– This is for MATH COACHES lookin for a community. I know you’re out there and you are alone. Thats why I created this virtual math PLC. We meet monthly to collaborate and discuss problems of practice and share ideas. Starting in August we will be doing a book study of 6 Tools for Collaborative Mathematics Coaching! You’ll get the book and a book study when you sign up for a year of the huddle! Now enrolling 
  • Looking for one on one virtual support? I do offer virtual math coaching, that will begin in September. Feel free to reach out to me directly for details
120: Can't afford a math coach? What I've got for you

Finally, let’s get into what to do if you don’t have the funding to pay for these things. 

  1. Ask your administrator. I know that school budgeting is a bit of a mystery but there are funds for professional development. If you can make a case to  your administrator as to why your goals for improving in math instruction are important to you and the outcomes for students I venture to guess they can find $100-200 to help you out.
  2.  Download the pdf of funding opportunities I recently put together. I found grants that will support YOU in the PD you want. That’s the best part, these grants are for specific things, but really honor teachers’ choice. Some are from NCTM, and others are from private donors. Also included in this is the document.
    Grab it at I’ll also put a link in the show notes .
  3. The last way that I think you can get a math coach or the PD you deserve is by sharing my information with your leadership team. Oftentimes the best PD to come to the school is a recommendation from a teacher. The truth is leadership doesn’t have the time to research coaches and PD opportunities. So, if you find something or someone you are interested in learning from share it with your administrator. It might take a while to get things moving, but by sharing and following up you can communicate both your goals and a way to support you with your administrator.

So, as we wrap up today please know…

I believe in you and think you deserve the best professional learning community. That’s why I’m here offering you this free resource in the form of podcast episodes each Monday. If nothing else share this podcast with your leadership team and teammates!

I hope we get an opportunity to learn together in this upcoming school year.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Empowering Math Discussions (This course is part 2 of Word Problem Workshop)
Word Problem Workshop
Math Coach Huddle 
One-on-One Virtual Math Coaching
Funding Opportunities PDF
Training for Administrators

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5 Practices for Orchestrating Math Discussions
5 Steps to a Student Centered Math Class

My IG DMs are always open @hellomonamath 

🤩 Math Word Problem Workshop

Save time and energy by planning a simple daily routine that increases student engagement, problem solving, & math proficiency!

When you join the Math Word Problem Workshop, I’ll show you how to…

  • engage every student in problem solving, daily.
  • create a daily structure that allows students to collaborate, reflect, take risks, and use mistakes as opportunities.
  • a system to plan for problem solving, simply and efficiently.
  • confidently facilitate a students lead problem solving workshop

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