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Shifting pedagogy is one way you can achieve the ever present pressures of math achievement.
Have you noticed your students are required to not only know the math, but think critically about it, problem solve, and possess a deeper understanding of the concepts? Our eve changing is demanding a shift in pedagogy. One where we depart from traditional, teacher-centered approaches and embracing student-centered methods, might be just what you need!

shifting pedagogy cover

In this Episode about Shifting Pedagogy: 

  • what shifting pedagogy means for you & your students 
  • why change is so dang hard 
  • 3 steps to begin shifting pedagogy 

What Does It Mean to Shift Pedagogy?

Term “pedagogy” refers to the art and science of teaching. It’s the strategies, methods, and approaches that we use as teachers to make learning happen.

Shifting pedagogy is a deliberate and purposeful transformation of teaching practices. 

It involves departing from traditional, teacher-centered approaches and embracing more progressive, student-centered methodologies. This shift is imperative in today’s educational landscape, where students require not only knowledge but also critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Traditional: rote memorization, repetitive exercises, and a focus on procedural learning. 

Modern: emphasizes conceptual understanding, exploration, collaboration, and real-world applications of mathematical concepts. It encourages students to think critically, ask questions, and actively engage with mathematics rather than passively receiving information.
Research studies, such as “The Shift from Traditional to Modern Pedagogy in Mathematics Education” by Boaler et al. (2017), underscore the positive impact of shifting pedagogy towards more modern approaches. These studies demonstrate that students who experience modern pedagogy not only perform better in mathematics but also develop a deeper appreciation for the subject, greater self-confidence, and a lifelong love for learning.

But this is challenging work. To make the shift from the way we were taught to teach math, the way we experienced math to a new pedagogy is complex.

Looking to make the shift in your classroom? Check out this post about student centered classrooms.

shifting pedagogy quote

Mentioned in this episode on Shifting Pedagogy: 

🆓 Guide to Engaging Math Discussion

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